Chad Carlsen found his purpose: 

Helping people suffering from addiction and mental illness to get the treatment they deserve. When his soon to be son-in-law died of fentanyl poisoning, Chad’s drive to fight the opioid epidemic redoubled.

The Hopeaholics is not just a podcast. It’s a movement to conquer a nation’s fentanyl-fueled addiction crisis.
The Hopeaholics promote awareness about addiction and mental health, banishing stigma in the process. This podcast provides resources to addicted individuals, people struggling with mental illness, and their loved ones. Chad and his team stand for two things:
1. Normalizing treatment is key for recovery.
2. Increasing awareness about fentanyl’s deadly side-effects is the first step of fighting America’s opioid epidemic.
To get help for yourself or a loved one, call 949-881-5860.

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